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UPDATE 7: Yinson Repurchases Another $1.2M-Equivalent Shares on Aug. 2

Sun Aug 04, 2024 09:02 PM ET: Yinson Holdings Bhd. announced to the Bursa Malaysia Friday evening, Aug. 2, that it repurchased that day another 2,239,000 shares at 2.36 Malaysian ringgit ($0.51) each for a total consideration of MYR 5.3 million ($1.2 million). Cumulative net outstanding treasury shares as of to-date stands increased to approximately 203.16 million shares, according to the announcement. The latest repurchases bring the total spent by the Malaysian-listed offshore production and support services company on buying back its shares nearly every trading day starting from July 18 to about $2.08 million. UPDATE 6: Yinson Repurchases Another $280K-Equivalent Shares on Aug. 1 Thu Aug 01, 2024 10:10 PM ET: Yinson Holdings Bhd. announced to the Bursa Malaysia Friday evening, Aug. 1, that it repurchased that day another 525,000 shares at 2.38 Malaysian ringgit ($0.51) each for a total consideration of MYR 1,254,623 ($275,273). Cumulative net outstanding treasury shares as of to-date stands increased to approximately 200.92 million shares, according to the announcement. The latest repurchases brings the total spent by the Malaysian-listed offshore production and support services company on buying back its shares nearly every trading day starting from 18 July to about nearly $970,000. UPDATE 5: Yinson Repurchases Another $174-Equivalent[...]